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The Lucky Trolls

Roster / Marc Smeesters

The Lucky Trolls is an Irish Punk band from Liège (Belgium) formed at the end of 2017. The band currently consists of 5 members already well present on the Belgian rock and punk rock scene (Radio 911, Chump, We Are Minutes, Young Enough...).

The story goes that in March 2019 the band released their first 4-track self-titled EP. Very well received, this first opus enabled The Lucky Trolls to perform on a number of stages with well-known bands. In 2022, the band released their first album, Raised Fist and Rebel Songs, recorded and produced by Tim Van Doorn. The album received rave reviews.

Today, The Lucky Trolls tour the various Irish pubs and festivals, never leaving their audiences unmoved. Soon reaching a hundred concerts and touring Belgium, France, Switzerland and Luxembourg, it's impossible not to dance, sing and jump with these rockers from Liège in the frenzy of Irish melodies, saturated guitars and powerful rhythms!